Graphic Design And Illustration Portfolio
Cannabis Packaging
Click on the image to
see some really cool, high
end marijuana packaging
and marketing graphics.
Logos, Lettering And Typography
Click on the image to
get taken aback by these
awesome custom lettered
and typographic logos.
CD Artwork And Packaging
Click on the image and
be delighted by some
of the most spectacular
cd artwork in circulation.
I learned my trade the old school way, just before the first little Macs popped up. Graphic design and typography were a craft back then and we had to go through very elaborate processes to accomplish our tasks, processes that in most cases take only minutes or even seconds these days.
And even though I was one of the first to embrace the new tools and technology, I’m glad that I received my professional training at a time when the emphasis was still put on the fundamentals of graphic design:
A strong concept.
Communicating to the target audience.
Taking pride in your work.
Because no matter what level of technology you’re using, when sticking to these three basic values you can never go wrong.
Vector Illustrations
Click on the image to
be baffled by the high
quality and skill level of
the shown vector art.
Miscellaneous Design Projects
Click on the image to
get surprised by the project
range and a style variety
that’s off the chain.
Video Production
Click on the image,
sit back and enjoy the
creativity and superb
editing of our videos.