What exactly defines visionary art and what is it’s role in our culture?
For way too long society has been stuck living by outdated Newtonian theories which promote that reality is exclusively defined by matter. This ‘I believe it when I see it’ way of life puts a lot of emphasis on our perception of the outer world, and discourages and often ridicules our longing to connect with the mystic, the fantastic and the magical, which is being dismissed by traditional science as unrealistic and childish.
The visionary realm becomes accessible to us when we turn our eyes away from the perceived materialist reality and look inward. By doing this we draw inspiration from our inner visionary realm, which includes everything that makes us who we are at the deepest level. From our hopes and fears, to intuition, dreams, and glimpses of divine wisdom – when seeing with our inner eye we have a ticket to the infinite. LaoTzu says, the key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.
Visionary art has the potential to open the door to these higher planes and to make parts of the unconscious conscious, thus freeing us from the collective shackles of limitations. Every great idea, may it be a brilliant invention, a fantastic piece of art or a journey to explore the farthest reaches of our galaxy, starts from within. Everything material starts with the immaterial, that’s how it’s always been and forever will be, because it’s divine truth. Visionary art’s purpose is to remind us of that truth, so we can turn inward to create our own version of reality, instead of being tossed around by perceptions of external circumstances.

PORTAL SCORPION – 72 x 48 inches

FIBONACCI FLOWER – 24 x 24 inches

INTERNAL / EXTERNAL – Comission work, depicting the difference between focus shifting and stilling the mind vs. letting a data driven modern world keep you constantly on your toes.

River Trail Ale Beer Can Design

Indigo Cover Art
Items In The Store
Serenade To The Universe – 18 x 24 Stretched Canvas
$299.00 -
Between Dimensions – 18 x 18 Museum-Quality, Thick, Matte Paper Poster.
$29.50 -
Tree Of Life – 18 x 24 Museum-Quality, Thick, Matte Paper Poster.
$37.00 -
Calling The Spirit Animals – 24 x 36 Stretched Canvas
$369.00 -
Serenade To The Universe – 24 x 36 Museum-Quality, Thick, Matte Paper Poster.
$43.00 -
Serenade To The Universe – 24 x 36 Stretched Canvas
$369.00 -
Tree Of Life – 18 x 18 Soft Pillow
$32.00 -
Tree Of Life – 24 x 36 Museum-Quality, Thick, Matte Paper Poster.
$43.00 -
I Am What I Think – 18 x 18 Soft Pillow
$32.00 -
Serenade To The Universe – 18 x 24 Museum-Quality, Thick, Matte Paper Poster.